Hello there! I’m Eva Provedel
I’m a Leadership Coach & Communication Trainer. An Enabler.
That’s a fancy way of saying that I empower super busy professionals (like you) to be(come) confident leaders. I help you develop a unique and consistent strategy to achieve your goals, and develop great ways to communicate effectively, set boundaries, be assertive, resilient and confident in yourself and your capabilities.
I help you develop strategies to manage yourself and your team at work. Expressing yourself as a leader with clarity and keeping the attention and motivation of your staff high are some of the topics we can explore together, whether it is in training, presentations or 1:1 coaching conversations. I help you increase your confidence, make your message stick, and have those difficult conversations that need to be had.
In essence, I help professionals build their skills so that they can lead from a place of empowerment and confidence.
Check out my video-introduction below and a more in-depth Q&A that will shine a light on my experience and my style - with an unexpected interviewer.
Eva Provedel
Video-Introduction: a sneak peek at what I do and how I do it: Coaching, Training and more.
A conversation in Q&A style where I talk about the way I work and what clients get out of it - a chance to get to know me better and learn about my style in coaching and training. Enjoy!
I’m the cultivator of eclectic passions:
Languages – they are the key to understanding different cultures and being able to challenge your own. You must be ready to practice them with anyone, and they are so helpful when traveling. I speak: Italian, English, Spanish, French, German and Mandarin. Wheww! Think about stereotypes: languages uncover so many of them. Plus, we all choose specific ways of speaking a language, and that tells about you (or anyone who is speaking) much more thank you would think.
Tango – I have been dancing Argentinian tango since 2010, and all other dances I knew (salsa, bachata, chacha, etc) suddenly lost their appeal. Tango is all about being in the moment. There is no other way to dance. Listening to your body and that of the partner, synchronizing different communication styles and being always open to learning and sharing are just a few of the learnings that you can find in this type of dance, and it is even therapeutic! I say that tango and coaching have a lot in common.
World traveling – I never missed my chances of traveling everywhere I could whenever it was possible, even at a young age, and I thank my good luck and my family who started me on this as a child. So far I have solo-traveled to over 45 countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia, especially by train. This has been a life-changing experience for me and has allowed me to open my mind and develop my communication and survival skills! I tell you, this is better than any school, and can only be learned on the field.
Laughing – it seems like something easy and natural, but it is not. While growing up, especially after puberty, you will have noticed how you progressively lost your unique childhood ability to be spontaneous and joyous no matter what, and to laugh deeply (with your belly) and frequently, just because. Well, the truth is that after the basic fear of judgment kicks in, we are screwed. The earlier we set off on our own path of development to get our spontaneity back and know where our masks lie, the better. Laughter as a tool really struck a chord with me, and guess what, as a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, I love helping others reactivate their joyous core.
I’m a collector of unique passions, but here’s what you need to know about me as a professional:
Coaching is my passion, Joy Coaching my vocation – I love my work because it is about people. I help them find out more about themselves by being their “mirror” and by challenging them to take a look outside their comfort zone and automatic behaviors. Every day is a new adventure, and with every step up the exciting stairway to awareness-heaven I find true joy and celebration.
Free the true Wo/Man in you – did you know that each of us has a female and a male side to themselves to be discovered? And did you know that the best-performing companies have a very balanced and integrated female-male work place? This is because only by putting together diversity, which basically means different talents and perspectives on things, there is always something to gain, like an orchestra playing wonderfully harmonious music versus a monochord instrument striking the same note over and over again. I have been working for years on gender gaps and stereotypes, and just like for everything else, whenever you open your eyes and see what is influencing your behaviour and judgment, a million possibilities for change open up, and it is usually a change for the better. Why? Because it involves choice, because we can break those automatic mechanisms that often keep us chained to repeated actions for no reason. Diversity – not only gender but ethnic, idea-generation, perspective diversity – are precious gifts that can be explored and nurtured. Trust me, it will be for the better!
B.A in Communication and M.A in contemporary Chinese language and culture –this is the result of my obsession for understanding other cultures and always looking for new and effective ways to communicate and exchange. I am very curious. I NEED to try things by experiencing them directly, by literally jumping on a train and going to China through the Trans-Siberian route, by seeing with my own eyes and being open. I have been teaching group dynamics in workshops and laughter+wellness sessions for 5 years, traveled solo for over 13 years, lived in 6 different countries and published an e-book on a famous Chinese blogger who is changing the world called Han Han: la Cina in rete (Eng. “Han Han: China Online”) – you can find it on Amazon and had better learn Italian if you want to read it haha!
I was Virgil of Dante’s Divine Comedy…in a theater show called Italian Cultural Hour, where I directed 50 volunteers from all over the world to stage a journey through Italian history and geography, a fun way to portray the real Italian passions and to defy some hard-to-kill stereotypes; I was a clown-therapist for kids and elderly people in hospitals in Milan; I was a free hugger in different parts of the world to spread some human warmth among people in the streets and squares. I was a self-learned singer in a jazz and blues club in China, and in a Latin American folk band in Germany. I was a MC in a cabaret show in New York. This makes me a music and theater nut with the credentials of a M.A collector who can help you create memorable experiences for your audience.
My life is Open – open to Innovation - I’ve run Sales and Business Development for a leading Open Innovation company that helps companies find technological and business solutions all over the world by in-sourcing them rather than out-sourcing them. I have trained school teachers at different levels for a global publishing company on how to use and improve their knowledge of digital whiteboards and tools for interactive teaching. I have planned and co-designed a variety of customized workshops for team coaching and individual sessions to increase awareness on what the individual or company wants to do next. This has given me an exceptional foundation in how interactive communication and coaching make a real difference in defining and pursuing business and personal goals.
Spiritual Tools – When I found out about the Enneagram I didn’t know it would be what I call “a treasure map”. Indeed I am uncovering new treasures every time I explore it, and am thrilled to accompany you on your very own quest. Remarkably, if there is something that teaches how speed must be adapted to your own pace, it is this very old, very intriguing tool. Other tools I use are breathing techniques, meditation, visualization, laughter yoga and more to be explored!
The one thing that I want you to remember is that if you become aware of who you are, what you need and where you want to go, you gain the most powerful skill of all: Choice. The only hurdle standing between you and Choice is grasping the chance to find out more about your authentic self and how you will best reach your goals. Self-awareness and clarity also bring peace of mind, sense of fullness and great joy.
Join me on this exciting path,

P.S. If you want a head start, book a discovery call with me and we will take it from there.